The 5 Legal Requirements Your Website Should Have

Business Tips

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cell phone showing a website privacy policy sitting on a stack of papers on a chair

Feb 14

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When I first got started in my business, one of my earliest clients was an attorney with an online contract template shop and her own law firm.  I was so proud of myself for finally launching my business and having a legit website to go with it.  Little did I know, I was missing a […]

How To Create Story Pins on Desktop & Mobile


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Story Pins are the newest pin format you may be seeing on Pinterest.  Note: As with all new Pinterest features, they are being rolled out in phases so if you don’t yet have access to them, you can request it HERE.  Just like all pins you create on Pinterest, Story Pins are designed to spark […]

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Jul 22

Quickly Schedule Pins Up To Two Months Out With Tailwind Interval Scheduling


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May 27

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Do you know the trick to safely scheduling pins to multiple boards without the risk of going to Pinterest jail? Interval Scheduling! By scheduling your pins at specified intervals to your relevant boards, this Tailwind feature spaces them out safely to keep your account from getting flagged by Pinterest. Or worse…suspended! Plus, it quickly fills […]

8 Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Workspace


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It doesn’t matter if you’ve got an office job or if you work from home, keeping an organized desk and workspace is very important in order to work efficiently. It’s not always easy to pay attention to cleaning and organization when you’re worried about important deadlines, which is why your space can quickly turn into […]

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Apr 14

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